The game is based on the popular 80's television series of the same name...
Each player is a world leader with three scandals to protect. The object of the game is to expose all the other players' scandals before they expose yours.
No dice are involved. A player may choose to move between one and six spaces clockwise around the board. The player then follows any special instructions written on the space that he or she lands on (these include collecting a Dirty Tricks Card, collecting a cash handout from the Hush Fund, calling a Press Conference, using the Shredder, hiding in a Safe House, or Passing The Buck). A non-player character, the Journalist, is moved the same number of spaces clockwise around the board. If the journalist lands on a space occupied by another player, one of that player's three scandals is placed in the middle of the board and auctioned off to the highest bidder. The player who wins the scandal card may then try to expose it by first landing on a Press Conference square, and then making an accusation against the player whose scandal it is. The accuser may choose to blackmail the accused and accept a cash payment in exchange for a temporary reprieve, or the players contest the accusation using Dirty Tricks. If the accusation is successful, the scandal is removed from the game and the accuser gets $50 Million as a reward. If unsuccessful, the accused gets a scandal back and receives $10 Million compensation. Once all a player's scandals are exposed, he or she is out of the game. If the player who owns the scandal gets to The Shredder before being accused at a Press Conference, he or she takes the unexposed scandal back. Play continues until only one world leader remains with any unexposed scandals... He or she is the winner!
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