Do you sometimes wonder what some of the Acronyms in special education mean? Do the acronyms make your head spin? This article will discuss common special education acronyms and what they mean. This will make it easier for you to actively participate in your Education Recruitment Birmingham child with disabilities education.
1. FAPE: stands for Free Appropriate Public Education. Each child has the right under IDEA to receive a free appropriate public education.
2. IDEA: stands for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; which is the federal law that applies to special education.

3. IDEA 2004: This is the federal law that was reauthorized in 2004. If you see this in an article, it usually means that something was changed in IDEA, by the reauthorization in 2004.
4. LEA: stands for the local educational agency, which is your local school district.
5. SEA: stands for the state educational agency, which is your states board of education.
6. IEP: stands for the Individual Educational Plan, which must be developed for every child that receives special education services.
7. LRE: stands for Least Restrictive Environment. LRE means that children with disabilities need to be educated in the least restrictive environment, in which they can learn. LRE starts at the regular classroom, and becomes more restrictive.
8. NCLB: stands for the No Child Left Behind Act.
9. IEE's: stands for an Independent Educational Evaluation. These are initiated and paid for by parents, to help determine their child's disability or educational needs.
10. IEE's at Public Expense: stands for an IEE where the school district pays for it. There are rules that apply to this, that you must learn before requesting an IEE at public expense. Many special education personnel try and do things that are not allowed under IDEA, so you need to educate yourself.
11. ASD: stands for Autism Spectrum Disorder, which some school districts use in their paperwork.
12. ADD: stands for Attention Deficit Disorder.
13. ADHD: stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
14. PWN: stands for Prior Written Notice. Parents must be given PWN when the school district wants to change things in the child's IEP. (such as eligibility, change services, refuse to change services etc.).
15. ABA: stands for Applied Behavioral Analysis that is an educational treatment for Autism.
16. SID: stands for Sensory Integration Disorder. A lot of Education Recruitment Birmingham children with Autism have difficulty with sensory integration.
17. SPD: stands for Sensory Processing Disorder which is the same as above, but some people in the special education field, call it different names.
By understanding the acronyms used by special education personnel, you can be a better advocate for an appropriate education for your child.
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