If everything is fine on the bodily level, then problems should be sought in the psychological mood. And above all… mom/dad. It's hard to get a child to be productive if you're annoyed when you're working with them. Mom is often overworked, and helping a schoolboy takes her time to recuperate. Then it is better to check homework less often, but do it in a calm mood.

Sometimes parents are so interested in getting the tasks done faster that they start doing them themselves for the child. But if the mother worries about the lessons more than the child, then the motivation decreases, because she immediately turns to academic writers for help. It is important not to take responsibility for the child's homework, otherwise the student will think that this is the concern of mom and dad. Understand that you are just helping, and the result depends on the teacher and the student. If the child does not cope at all, the tutor will help. If the teacher teaches poorly, the student has the legal right to receive answers to questions and explanations after the lessons.
Get rid of exschooler syndrome
Why do parents turn the house into an overvalued idea? Why do they behave as if the lessons learned are more important than health, acquired knowledge, experience? Perhaps it refers to his own childhood fear of the teacher, guilt for not doing homework, the feeling that everything was “not right”, but my child should be perfect. Decide for yourself why you value your son or daughter. Perhaps it is worth accepting that everyone has their own abilities and inclinations: in some subjects your student will be successful, in others not, and there is no point in “squeezing out” high scores. At the same time, the son or daughter will stop being afraid of homework.
Is the child upset or afraid? Some schools humiliate those who have problems with their studies, without giving a natural right to make a mistake. By getting rid of your own fear, you can add positivity. Make any remark to the house according to the sandwich rule: before and after criticism, talk about the noticed pluses. They are not here? Even an ardent loser can find neatly written lines, a step in the right direction, or at least the effort spent.
Should you be rewarded? You decide. It is better if the reward is not something material, but the time spent together, favorite entertainment. Such incentives are better to apply not daily, but after the successful completion of complex tasks or on weekends - as a result of the week's work.
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