Welcome to B.A.G! For all of the latest B.A.G. and gaming news click here!
04/06/18 - We're live! I can't believe that we've finally cut through all of the red tape and got the website up and running.
We have a wide range of games in stock in three different categories; Repeated Stock (from our supplier), Limited Stock which is games that we have a limited quantity available of and The Flip Side which is pre-owned games.
If we don't have the game that you are looking for, contact us and we'll do our best to get it in for you.
We're adding to the website continuously and will have reviews and articles posted very soon!
We're so excited to be here and to have the opportunity to bring the gaming community together and to bring new players into the fold.
We are constantly increasing our reviews list and we are always looking for reviews from you - the people who are playing the game and can give honest opinions about the games that you play.
If you would like to submit a review, please email us at bedlam.info@bedlamalliancegames.co.uk with your review and any photos that you have taken of the game being played. If you would like to have any faces in the photos covered, please state this in the email to us and we will ensure that this is done prior to posting it onto the website.
For a full list of our reviews and our latest offerings, please click here
We are constantly increasing our articles list and we are always looking for articles from you - because you are the best person to give your views about a variety of gaming subjects from the gamer's perspective.
If you would like to submit an article or have a suggestion as to what you'd like to read an article about, please email us at bedlam.info@bedlamalliancegames.co.uk with your article and any photos that you have taken of the game being played. If you would like to have any faces in the photos covered, please state this in the email to us and we will ensure that this is done prior to posting it onto the website.
To find a full list of our articles and the latest posts, please click here