Bedlam Manifesto
For as long as the human race has lived in social groups and societies they have played games; games bring people together, they bind tribes, provide challenges, build teamwork and cooperation and are a fundamental part of teaching the rules structures, rhythms and routines that govern living in any social system. Since our species has moved from the technological age into the information age the sheer volume of information available has brought about a trend of people shutting themselves off from the world and only viewing and interacting with the ‘outside’ via a digital medium, there is a rapidly growing generation among us that has never actually sat down with a group of friends or family and physically played a game of any description. As a gamer and a self-confessed Luddite, in its original meaning, I understand that technology is a powerful tool but that it is not the answer to every problem. It is important to me that we do not lose the ability to interact with each other, face to face, on a personal level. History has proven that when people get together and work towards a common goal, they can accomplish anything .
With all that in mind, my vision is to create a website and social forum that will actually bring gamers within the local community together to play their board, card and dice games; to share their experiences and build new friendships whilst expanding and integrating the gaming community as a whole.
But I want to then go further and open up this community to a wider audience. I want to find those who have the desire but have never had the opportunity, those who want to try new things but didn’t want to walk blindly into unknown realms, older gamers with a collection of games but no group and new games with no idea where to start. All ages, all backgrounds, all abilities welcome.